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Prepare Your Child to Protect Their Online Identity

Jackie here. Does your toddler use a tablet? Does your preteen love social media? Today’s kids are using technology more than ever and that means that parents need to be proactive to ensure their child is prepared with the knowledge to protect their identity in the digital world.
What can you do to protect and prepare your children for the technologies they’ll use throughout their lives? Here are some ideas.

  • Quiz Your Kids- There are some great online quizzes that parents can utilize to teach their kids about online safety. The FBI has created fun learning modules and quizzes for kids from 3rd to 8th grade.
  • Teach them Programming- Another valuable skill for today’s children is the ability to make technology work for them. Learning a programming language could become as useful as being able to speak a foreign language.
  • Keep them Identity Smart- ID theft is a real problem for parents and children alike. Talk with your child about their identity and teach them to protect it. Make sure they understand the importance of strong passwords, limiting the sharing of personal information, and regularly checking financial accounts and credit reports once they have them.
  • Prepare them for Social Networking- Is your teen begging you for a Facebook account? Before you let your children use social networking, sit down with them and prepare. Facebook has created a helpful parent’s guide to foster better communication between teens and parents about social media usage. Check it out!

If you have kids, prepare them for the technology filled world that lies ahead. For more great tips, see this tip filled article from

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